The Heys is located on the edge of Oswaldtwistle in its own grounds and provides a pleasant and peaceful base for those students who are struggling to access their mainstream education.
This provision is mainly for students that have come to The Oswaldtwistle School under the umbrella of a medical referral through the Medical Panel, their mainstream school and ELCAS. (East Lancashire Child and Adolescent Service). It is a small nurturing environment that enables those young people that struggle with the daily hustle and bustle of a mainstream secondary to be able to ‘re-set’ their educational clocks to enable them to flourish. Some may then be able to return to their school, some may remain at Oswaldtwistle and some may transfer a school more suitable to meet their needs, (this may include statutory assessment in partnership with their mainstream school for an Education, health, care Plan EHCP).
It is at the discretion of the Head Teacher of Oswaldtwistle which site a student is educated on, however every effort is made to best match the young person with the setting that we feel will benefit them in every way.
Generally, the student has regular reviews with the staff at Oswaldtwistle, their mainstream staff and their parents/ carers to track their progress whilst at the Heys site on a medical intervention placement. This is usually for 2 academic terms and reviewed in the light of all evidence as to the next steps for that young person.
The expectations are exactly the same on the Heys site for attendance, punctuality, behaviour, uniform and progress as on the main site and students are expected to follow these.
Curriculum Intent – Medical specific at The Heys
Our aim at our Medical provision is to ensure that all children who are referred to us by ELCAS are properly supported in terms of their physical and mental health, and can play a full and active role in school life and achieve their academic potential.
In support of the above all school leaders and teaching staff are aware of the each student’s condition and consult with health and social care professionals and parents to ensure that their needs are properly understood and effectively supported.
The Intent of The Heys provison is the same as the Intent for KS3 and 4 on the main site.
Medical Curriculum Offer
All students in both KS3 and KS4 study the following subjects.
• Maths
• English
• Science
• Art
• Citizenship
• Well Being
• Physical Education
At KS4 students study the following subjects at GCSE level: Maths, English, Science
(Dual Award), Citizenship, and Art. In addition Information, Advice and Guidance
forms part of the curriculum.
KS3 students have the same timetabled lessons, and work is differentiated to meet their needs.